
More About Ayurveda

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 "The state of ill health is a   moment to  moment happening. Healing is

moment to moment balance, bringing awareness to our thoughts,

feelings and emotions and how we respond."

Dr Vasant Lad - Ayurvedic Physician

"The state of ill health is a  moment to moment happening. Healing is moment to moment balance, bringing awareness to our thoughts, feelings
and emotions and how we respond."
Dr Vasant Lad - Ayurvedic Physician

Ayurveda is the knowledge of life

Based on a 5000 year old Hindu practice, Ayurveda is a all about balance. It's about understanding yourself, finding out what works for your particular constitution, what makes you feel great and how you can be the best version of yourself. 

Elements of earth, fire, water, air and ether combine in ways that create three body types or doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha. It's believed that while we all have a bit of all of these inside us, we are essentially one dominant dosha followed by a secondary dosha. It's these which dictate the type of lifestyle which suits us best. When a dosha is working well, we enjoy all its positive attributes, but when it's out of sync the shadow side of these characteristics manifest, leaving us low, unhappy and unfulfilled. Stay on top form by incorporating positive lifestyle, nutrition, exercise, meditation and massage.

Ayurveda is the knowledge of life

Ayurveda is the

knowledge of life

Based on a 5000 year old Hindu practice, Ayurveda is a all about balance. It's about understanding yourself, finding out what works for your particular constitution, what makes you feel great and how you can be the best version of yourself. 

Elements of earth, fire, water, air and ether combine in ways that create three body types or doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha. It's believed that while we all have a bit of all of these inside us, we are essentially one dominant dosha followed by a secondary dosha. It's these which dictate the type of lifestyle which suits us best. When a dosha is working well, we enjoy all its positive attributes, but when it's out of sync the shadow side of these characteristics manifest, leaving us low, unhappy and unfulfilled. Stay on top form by incorporating positive lifestyle, nutrition, exercise, meditation and massage.

Vata types tend to be lean and fair. When in balance Vata supports creativity, enthusiasm, easy activity and freedom of movement. Without balance you'll become dreamy, nervous and unfocused. Warm oil massage is best for Vata.

Pitta people are often fit, active and of medium build. They show great leadership and organisational skills, and love outdoors. Fall out of sync and this turns to to grumpiness, aggression and anger. Try cool oil  for the best massage.

Kapha types may have a heavier build. They have excellent abilities to focus, are loyal, patient and kind. They are calm and capable. The downside is stagnation when unbalanced, can easily fall into a rut. Use minimal oil during massage.

Vata types tend to be lean and fair. When in balance Vata supports creativity, enthusiasm, easy activity and freedom of movement. Without balance you'll become dreamy, nervous and unfocused. Warm oil massage is best for Vata.

Pitta people are often fit, active and of medium build. They show great leadership and organisational skills, and love outdoors. Fall out of sync and this turns to to grumpiness, aggression and anger. Try cool oil  for the best massage.

Kapha types may have a heavier build. They have excellent abilities to focus, are loyal, patient and kind. They are calm and capable. The downside is stagnation when unbalanced, can easily fall into a rut. Use minimal oil during massage.

Want to know which dosha you are?

Want to know which
dosha you are?

Knowing your dosha helps you to understand what kind of foods suit you best, what kind of yoga works for you, how to optimise sleep patterns, lifestyle and what kind of massage you should be getting. Many people can work out what dosha they are, but an Ayurvedic physician can give a greater understanding. There are lots of resources and quizzes you can do online. 

One of the best online dosha quizzes I've come across is the one on the site of Tri-Dosha. It's not as thorough as a visit to an Ayurvedic doctor, but it's a good guide, and can help you decide which massage oil to opt for in your Claire's Holistics treatment. You'll need to put your email address at the end to get your result but you won't be added to their mailing list unless you want to.

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